
Welcome to a website entirely dedicated to the Swedish computer game Kosmopolska! Here I intend to gather as much information and media related to the game as possible, in order to celebrate this fascinating, artistic and strange creation, and hopefully make more people aware of it. The page will gradually be filled with more sections and content, and I will write news updates here on the start page when new additions and updates are made. The page is available in both Swedish and English, and I will do my best to make sure that both versions contain the same information and media.

If you as a reader have any thoughts or information about the game that you want to contribute, please contact me via the e-mail address theswedengames@gmail.com


2025-02-09: I have added a page with some unique pictures from the official Kosmopolska homepage, and have added a link to the archived version of this website among the links.

2025-01-31: I have added a page with information about how to get the game running on a modern computer. Of course, this might mostly be of interest to Swedish-speaking readers, since the game is in Swedish.

2024-11-24: I have added a page with information about the gameplay in the prison cell, including solutions to all the puzzles located there.

2024-09-27: I have added a page with some overview information about the game world under “Information”. More specific information about the different characters and aspects of the world will be added in the future.

2024-08-06: I have restructured the "Information" page, and added a short description of the gameplay mechanisms. In the future I will add sub-pages with more detailed descriptions of different aspects of the story and gameplay.

2024-07-03: I have now added the first things under each main link to the left. I hope to be able to add more things in the future.

2024-06-22: I have created the main page, sub-pages soon to follow!