The cell

You see the prison cell from a first-person perspective, move around by clicking the arrows underneath the view, and interact with objects by clicking on them. When you inspect certain items, you can rotate them by clicking on the arrows on the side of the view.
During different parts of the game, you can see the cell from different perspectives, and there might be different ways to use certain objects to solver certain puzzles, for example by clicking with the right timing, typing in words with the keyboard, or listen for sounds. Many of the puzzles in the cell are about understanding these alternative controls.
Your goal in the cell is to solve different puzzles, in order to be transported into the imaginary world. Some puzzles are more difficult than others, and many of them are probably the hardest parts of the whole game. I will describe the solutions for all the puzzles below, if you don’t want to try figuring them out yourself, or if there’s a puzzle you’re stuck on.
The cup

Pick up the cup from the desk, and then click on the barrel of the water cooker (on top of the stove). Click the arrows to rotate the tap in the same direction several times, until you get water in the cup. Then click the water in the cup a few times.

Click on the headphone icon in the upper left corner, and then on the eye icon to the right, and you’ll close your eyes and hear sounds. You can open and close your eyes by clicking on the eye icon again (every time you close your eyes, you’ll hear a sound). You can now only move with your eyes closed, by clicking on the words below. You can also stand up or crawl by clicking on the figure to the left.

The idea is to listen for where the sound is coming from and follow it (it’s easier if you wear headphones). The goal is to reach the bucket standing next to the toilet. When you can see the bucket, click on it to get to the next part of the puzzle.

Now you see the inside of the bucket spinning in front of you. You have to pull the arrow moving above to increase the speed of the bucket, but at the same time you have to keep an eye on the picture below, where the bucket leans the more it spins. You have to click on the arrows down there to make sure that the bucket isn’t leaning too much, while increasing the speed more and more at the same time. If the bucket leans too much, you’ll have to start the spinning over. When the bucket gains enough speed, you’ve solved the puzzle.
The plate

When the guard has talked to you, click on the plate on the desk. Then click on the spoon several times to eat the soup, and occasionally see more film clips with the guard. When you’ve eaten all of the soup, the guard leaves the room.

Click on the letter icon in the upper left corner. You now have to use the keyboard to write all the words, one by one, of the song lyrics printed on the plate (this requires a Swedish keyboard, since there are some words with the Swedish letter Å). The words on the plate aren’t visible at first, but if you need a clue, the lyrics can bee seen on the towel hanging above the washbowl (and the protagonist sings a few parts while eating). Each time you write a correct word, the spoon moves around the plate, a tone is heard, and the word appears on the plate. The text, in Swedish, is:
Det var en liten loppa som bara ville hoppa
Hoppa loppa hoppa
Men en dag var han borta
Och om du riktigt otur har så finns han i din soppa
Translated into English, it’s:
There was a little flea, who only wanted to jump
Jump flea, jump
But one day he was gone
And if you are really unlucky, you’ll find him in your soup
The bed

Turn around in the room and click to look closer at the bed. Click under the bed to lay down underneath it, and click on the loose strap to attach it. Then climb back out from under the bed again. Click on the bed to start jumping in it. Click on the feet when they are the largest to jump higher and higher, and keep the pace until you jump high enough.

The stove

Turn towards the stove, and click to look closer at the firewood in the box. Click on the firewood, then the guard enters the cell. When he has left, click on the paper he threw on the floor. Then click on the box the guard leaves, and then on its contents. Pick up the matchbox from the table next to the bed, and the firewood next to the stove. Click on the stove to look closer at it. Click on the tool hanging to the left, and then on the upper hatch to open it. Click on the firewood to the left to put it in the stove, and then on the paper to put it in as well. Click on the matchbox several times, until you manage to light the fire. Wait a while, and then click on the lower hatch to look at the ashes there.

Letters spin above ashes, and you have to click on them in the right order to spell out a word. Clues about the word are show occasionally. The word is NOMENKLATURA.
The window

After you have read the letter, it is night in the cell. You can look between the window, the shelf and the door by clicking on the pictures down to the right. Look at the shelf, and pick up the toys there by clicking on them.

You then have to place these toys at the correct places by the window, turn the window shutters to the correct angle, and look towards the door to see the shadows moving in the light from the window. The right combination is to open both shutters completely, place the spaceship down to the left, and the cosmonaut in the right window shutter.
The toilet

When you look down into the toilet the first time, click on the arrow to the left to look around the cell. Click on the toilet in the corner of the cell. Click on the lower arrows to look towards the lower part of the toilet, and click on the toilet lid to close it. Then look up to the middle of the toilet, and click on the handle to the left. It comes loose from the toilet. Click on the pipes to stand on the toilet lid. Then look up, and pull the handle chain on the left side of the picture to the toilet to try to reattach it. This fails, and you step through the toilet lid. Click on the pipes in front of you several times, until they come loose and you fall towards the floor. When you awaken, click on the arrow to the right.

Click on the picture on the underside of the desk two times, and a minigame starts, where you first see parts of the picture blink in color in a certain order, and then you’ll have to click on the parts in that order to give them color. You have to repeat this several times, until all the squares are colored.
The washbowl

Click on the picture to get out of bed. Turn around in the cell and click on the desk, and then on the desk drawer. Click on the box in the drawer, and then on the balls in the box to pick them up. Click on the alcove with the washbowl. Click on the jug to pour water into the bowl, and then click on the bowl.

A minigame starts. You have to click on the bowl when the middle arrow of the arrows above lights up, to make the balls move one by one outwards into the grooves in the bowl. When there is one ball in each groove, you have finished the minigame.
The lamp

Look at the desk, and click on the chair to move it beneath the lamp in the ceiling of the cell. If you now click on the chair to stand on it, you’ll discover that you can’t reach the lamp. Go down from the chair again and click on the stool standing next to the desk, to place it on top of the chair. Click on the stool again, and then on the arrow above the picture to look up towards the lamp. Click on the lamp to start a puzzle.

A fly is flying around in the lamp. It moves in a way that draws out a number. Also look at which half of the lamp the fly is flying in. Above the lamp there are to arrows. When the fly has stopped moving, you have to pull the arrow that can be moved towards the half where the fly is, and move the arrow to the notch that corresponds with the number the fly drew while flying (count the notches from the middle). Repeat this several times to solve the puzzle.
The glasses

Click on the black box on the right side of the desk, and then click on the glasses. After the cutscene, you can turn around in the cell while wearing the glasses by clicking on the arrows to the right and the left, and zoom in by clicking on the arrow below. You have to turn towards the crack in the wall, to the left of the drawings above the bed, and zoom in on it to solve the puzzle. You might have to turn around both while zoomed in and zoomed out to find the crack.
The picture

Click on the paper lying on the floor, and then click on it again. That’s the whole puzzle.